其實不用working holiday簽證.
女性圍繞的話題, 很多時都是男人, 其次便是工作+八卦.
在澳洲我們都有句口頭禪 (或互相勉勵的說話) : " 趕緊找個老外結婚, 一了百了, 不用煩~~"
傳說這國家跟老外們同居一年便可申請居留......"一年咁筍? 有聯名戶口就得? 係咪呀))))) " 道聽途說, 有點狐疑.
但澳洲是個人道國家, 這做法也沒什麼大不了. (只是亞洲人太耍機心吧?! hahahaaa)
一天, 看到某免費華人報紙, 有幾則徵友廣告, 發現都是中年男女, 約40-60歲, 有些還標名想找有居留權的男人做朋友,
莫名好奇, 想像空間莫名的大~~~揭去後頁, 有則婚介中心廣告, 聲稱成功率達9成, 專門撮合澳男與華女,
乃全澳最有名的婚介中心(?!). 標榜徵友的澳洲男士都是專業人士( 相比亞洲國家.........這裡有誰不專業?!)
好奇下點擊它的網頁 http://www.contactaj.com/ ,同樣, 大部分都是中年人.
那刻真的很欣賞老外男士們的開放態度, 不會羞於公告自己這年紀還需要愛, 和伴侶.
換成亞洲人的話, 閒言閒語, 一句[黃昏戀] 已把他們嚇得不敢外出, 寧願一輩子在家裡打手槍, 直到蓋棺那一刻了~~~~~
好奇的進一步是 : 以身試法.
上傳自己的艷照和資料, 按 [send].
顯示屏出現一句 : 將有專人跟你聯絡.
" Diu, 黎真ga ?? 大檸樂....." 隔天一大清早真的有人主動聯絡, 還可講國語, 服務週到.
本來, 不太介意認識一些新朋友, 問題是......要收費.
最便宜的計劃 : AUD$ 500 , 約HK$4000. 3個月的服務, 不限次數(沒聽錯的話)介紹男士給你, 直到滿意為止, 而且有專人跟進.
其次有半年及一年的計劃. 因為訊號不好, 也沒有迫切的需要, 便趕快掛線~
及後在網絡查證, 澳洲很多婚介公司都是騙局, 付錢後只介紹"貨不對辦"的對象。
再在網絡上搜尋一下, 真有配偶簽證這回事,
而且同居至少一年便可申請臨時簽證 (要有一堆證明文件證明你們是"真愛") , 再等兩年便有永久居留簽證-----但法例經常修改,因太多假結婚等事情。
接著便可合法工作, 享用各種福利津貼. (* 福利好因為稅收重)
當然, 結婚會快捷一點. 難怪網頁上女比男多!
相比中國佳麗們中國風格栻濃的徵友照, 香港女生其實不弱, 有迫切結婚生子, 想有位終生伴侶的人, 甚至長居澳洲,
這是蠻不錯的途徑 ; 近來香港有個極速約會活動, HK$4800與外籍專業人士共進一-頓-晚-餐!!!
又相比用一個[包養六線男明星]的價錢去吃一個應該不會飽的晚餐, $4000 "包生仔"其實蠻超值 ; 就算平常的活動也不用一千港元, 以投資角度來說, 回報率實在太高 !! hahaha
我已極力推介給一眾女性朋友 !! 嘿嘿嘿~~
這樣的話, 其實旅遊簽也可以.
3個月, 緣份天注定 : P
剛收到中介公司The Jopshop的電郵通知, 有關WWOFF二簽資格的修例. 大意是 : 若要交換食宿集二簽, 不能再每天只做4-6小時的工作, 而是全職7-8小時, 約一星期35-40小時的農務工作.
What this means from a WWOOF perspective is as follows:
- Any period of specified work undertaken with WWOOF registered employers must conform to the Australian working week (35-40 hours, consisting of 7-8 hours worked each day) if a client wishes to count it towards second Working Holiday visa eligibility.
- The only way in which a working day of less than 7-8 hours will be acceptable to the Department, is where an individual employer is able to show that there is a definitive and clear cut industry work day standard less than this.
- If the question of a particular industry standard arises, it will be determined based on the type of work being performed by the employee, not whether the employer is registered with WWOOF. For example, a client undertakes 10 days of banana harvesting and packing for a WWOOF registered employer. The Department will be assessing the length of these 10 days of work based on the industry work day standard for the banana grower sector generally."
It is up to the applicant (WWOOFer) to ensure they do the work in the correct Postcode and that the work they do is the Specified work. The Host / employer signs their form for the number of days worked and enters the start and finish dates. DIAC hav e asked the WWOOF Office not to give out any other information, but to refer everyone to their website as the information changes from time to time and their website will always be the most up to date. To this end we are no longer noting the Hosts who are happy to sign this visa in the WWOOF Book, from the July 2012 edition onwards “PP” will no longer be noted at the end of these Host entries and we apologize if this causes any inconvenience.
WWOOFers who are looking for work to extend their visa can advertise on the WWOOF Bulletin Board, but MUST check the DIAC postcode list and ensure the Host’s postcode is eligible as the postcodes can change from time to time. To help facilitate this, we have set up a new Second Working Holiday Forum at the bottom of the Hosts Urgently looking for WWOOFers forum, specifically for Hosts and WWOOFers to advertise in for 2nd Working Holiday Visa stays.
WWOOFers should check the Specified work list carefully as from time to time DIAC add "Notes" to items on the list which clarify the work; usually this is to make it clear that the work must be of a commercial nature. It appears that it is becoming more difficult for non commercial properties to fit the work criteria of this list, so if a WWOOFer is in doubt, please ask them to e-mail DIAC 2ndwhm.helpdesk@immi.gov.au and ask about the Host property and the work they will be doing as it is heartbreaking for a WWOOFer to work for 3 months, then find out their application is rejected because they have done the wrong type of work.
For more information please see the Visa information on our website or the&nb sp;DIAC website
都說2nd year未停止過遇到怪人, 就算安在家中做宅女也自有瘋婦找你麻煩....這次不是背包客, 而是於澳洲長大的香港人[Educate小姐] (她多次強調Educate這字眼, 明顯地自覺只有她自己才受過教育).
事緣於Facebook個人status裡一句戲言 : 為何喜歡我黑髮的比金髮的多一倍?
只有一面之緣+ 是朋友的朋友的她留言 : "黑髮令你看來更專業."
我簡單的回她一句 : "我是專業的平面設計師.btw,有時髮型可反映出不同的性格."同時亦回應其他友人, 其中一句是"我真的很他X的喜歡這個髮型!! 可是很難維持這髮色..."
只想說我們幹這行的沒這個規限 ; 回應友人其實亦與她無關.
不知她是妒忌我有朋友回應, 還是刺激了她的公主病, 莫明奇妙地, 收到她洋洋百字, 非常主觀的inbox訊息. 不爽是一定的, 很最討厭人專制橫蠻. 平心靜氣地跟你討論, 你擺高姿態之餘, 還得過且過!用熱心提點做包裝, 但內裡賣的是[ 踩低人, 抬高自己]( 那對不知是白鴿眼還是狗眼不自覺地冒了出來)並滿足自己的控制慾. 以ABC, show-off英文及不說髒話為榮~ 受西方教育卻不會尊重/ 了解別人的選擇和文化, 跟北韓人沒兩樣, 哪飽讀詩書有何意思? 只有分數,人格卻負數. 你不說髒話不等於你高貴及有修養; 相反, 比沒受過教育的人還不滯 !!
你的中文有很好嗎 ? 若我每次都糾正你的中文又有何感想 ?? 老外也不會這樣糾正別人, 因為是禮貌和尊重. (去年便試過一次類似經歷, 自學OZ英語的韓國人自負得, 每句都要糾正大家的英文) 何況你憑什麼去這樣做 ? 就算你吞了一整本牛津字典也沒資格教育別人!
"無X野呀?? 唔X識ga喎 !" -----所有收到此訊息的人一定會有這反應. 不確定她是不是讀心理系, 只肯定她能醫不自醫~
你以為世界圍著你來轉麼 ? 想給你一堆屎牆圍著你之餘, 亦贈予兩句 :
1. on9又要兜
2. 白鴿眼心知就好, 做埋出黎就好X老套
我自己都好"on9" , 打從第一句起只回應[Thank you]已很足夠, 偏偏體內僅餘的正義感基因不斷滾動起來....
LOl ohh dear hun, I even tried to simplify the English. Ok I never said you weren't professional, I said you will always look more professional with your natural hair colour. This is just from a employer's point of view, whether you like it or not people will judge you on how you present yourself. You are less likely to be taken seriously if you don't show you who you are without changing your natural look. You can ask any employers of big companies. Another thing having to change your hair colour so dramatically is not a bad thing, but it's really obvious that it will REALLY damage your hair. I had my hair blenched blonde when I was a teenage thinking it was cool, but as I got older I realized that was the biggest mistake of my life. My hair fell out so much and it looked so unhealthy. It's taken me a very long time for me to get my hair to a healthy state. You can show your character through other ways and sure hair is one way BUT if it starts to compromise the you health its not worth it. You know or maybe you don't know that the process your hair needs to go through to get to blonde is damaging. I suggest as your friend who is concern about you that you find a different way to show you character before all your hair falls out. You know black hair suits Asians for a reason, blonde hair suits Caucasian for a reason. When we try to rock out the blonde is washes you face out and you don't look as healthy and when white people do the black it makes them look washed out.
Anyways you asked for peoples opinions, I think most people who have given you an opinion has given an honest opinion. I also don't think its necessary to say "fucking" in response to someone, only cos people who swear tend to look weak. (This is from a psychology point of view) When you want to argue a point is it more affective without it.
In the end you have to feel most comfortable with how you look. If you really like the blonde, no one can force you to go black. Even an employer or whoever can't force you to do something you don't feel comfortable in. My opinion is that you look lovey with the black, we can see your facial features better, your eyes pop and your overall look is healthier
I've posted this up here as a message out of respect, since your seem quite defensive.
我 :
in honestly, I think u'r too serious and sensitive. May be we'r not familiar that's why u misunderstand what i chat with my buddies in facebook. And...u know "fuck / damn/ 屌/ 撚/ omg" that's the HK style. We love to add that when we meet our good frds! like European !!
Of cause I totally know what u'r talking about. Just want to let u know...I'm 30 yrs old and had been worked for 14 yrs in Hong Kong's society/ famous companies. I understand what HK people think especially the managment group (I still keep in touch with many ex-boss even our taste on art is totally different). Creative field is a bit different as normal office. What we need is creative thinking to improve the world (ok, start to off-topic & that's not important to u)
U still too young of this world, especially the rule of game and human mind. We should try everything which we interest in our life. If always mind what others think, then u wont be happy.
Besides, that status is not a question but IRONIC sentences. therefore I don't need to defense as I know what I'm doing.
& I think u'r over-reaction on "what people think on me? I have to explain it" That's y I'm a bit surprise of yr LONG message...make me back to the teenagers' memory !! hahaa
Anyway, thanks for your advice although I knew all of it already.
P.S.*Sometimes be a humor girl can make u more lovely ;)
Educate小姐 :
I guess it surprised me more since you are 30 that you seemed a bit immature. (Especially choosing to use the word such as "fuck" as humour LOL. Really it kind of shows lack of vocabulary.) I suggest that you don't use that word too often. I'm almost 100% sure swearing in whatever language or country isn't showing much about how educated you are. (I'm not by all means saying you’re not educated just pointing out what people from an outsiders point of view would see)
I guess maybe your English isn't the best but yeah I think I'll leave it here as it is pretty clear that you are offended. I only wrote my message as I was concerned about you and also to clear up that I wasn't suggesting you weren’t professional. Maybe its cos you think that someone 25 is telling you off I don't know. hahaha Thanks for the reply it's cute ^^ maybe FB isn't the best place for you to "express" you irony
Age doesn't mean anything hun but anyways I think I've proved my point.
LOL it's funny how you have misinterpret my intentions. I think I can conclude there is a major language barrier. hahaha you totally misunderstood me the first time and the second time LOL ok
ok ,The last advice I gonna give you is : some people dislike foul language (& some outsiders like you ) but PLEASE try to understand or respect other countries' live style even u hate it.
Even though u'r well-educated. Unfortunately your behavior is much more worse than many un-educated people that you insult others and think u'r elegant.
Come on, people always like the frank and sincere one instead of the fake-intelligent one. Whatever in your carreer or human relationship.
Good luck of yr future live!
Educate小姐 :
Are you trying to be educated? Exactly what is your point? Now who is being sensitive and lack of humour. lol my goodness act 30 hun not 5. If you can't take peoples advice and get so offended you miss the point. Once again language barrier, wrong use of words! There is no such word as fake-intelligence lol! There were no insults thrown at you and I was being "frank" and "sincere". You just didn't like the honesty and that not everyone agrees what you have to say. You try to bully, but failed. You probably shouldn't use words in a different language you don't understand. LOL I love how you loose it and ruin your point because your so angry and defensive. I'm waiting for you to get so angry you'll delete me to prove you can't handle an adult conversation lol
..Anyways I had my 2 cents put in. I'm over this uneducated conversation that is going no where. Have fun complaining and getting upset over nothing.
我 :
Don't bull shit anymore pls. U really impolite from the 1st message.
And, why everyone should obey or agree or say "yes! o,u'r right!" to your opinion? Why u still can't understand what is RESPECT ?
Are you the queen ? Everyone has their own decision and life experience.
Will u happy If I do the same thing on you ?
U really impolite since the 1st message. I really don't know what's wrong with u ?
(或者叫 < 上了賊船 >........ )
New Zealand風景美得不可奐物, 大自然應該用時間去享受, 而不是用來趕路.
一行8人 : 4名台灣人, 一對韓國情侶, 我跟香港女生(其實只有和她較熟稔.)
每晚四五度之下睡camper van沒問題; 為了省錢大家一起煮食不是問題 ;
其中2人再次因遲到而錯過了航班, 連累其餘6人浪費兩日的行程沒問題 ;
問題是, 這是個"假民主的鴨仔團".
不被尊重還被當成滋事者及馬後炮.......大家不做資料搜集問題不大, 因New Zealand路線簡單, 到埗後才花三幾個小時規劃也未遲------旅費及時間充足的話. (基本上開到哪裡都會有caravan park或motel, hostel一定要先訂, 因不像澳洲般的大, 比較像民宿那種小家經營, walk-in通常都爆滿)
否則, 你要省最多的錢的話 (機票住宿交通景點門票膳食...)就一定要做功課, 不論在任何國家旅行 !!!
大家也只是靠那本"流流地"的Lonely Planet及當地的information centre資料去想行程, 你膽敢認為自己已經做了功課而其他人沒做之餘, 只待在車上抱怨你們??! 知不知道你在說什麼屁話???
自己沒主見懦弱怕事是你的事, 不要迫人"同你一鳩樣", ok ??
被問及意見,"住哪裡食哪裡待哪裡"後, 全被當廢話.
台灣人想開去哪裡便哪裡, 你問問題, 根本沒人給你答案, 因為行程隨時改, 問也沒用.
乖乖地跟著行程便是, 不論你明示/暗示/婉轉/直接表達不滿----因為他們不覺得自己有問題.
每朝7:30am 大力拍打車門morning call, 為的只是要用最少的時間看最多的不著名景點(什麼企鵝, 古堡.....跟澳洲的沒兩樣, 但車程遠得多. 難道你不知道New Zealand有名的是湖光山色麼?! ).
著名的, 反而只待半天. (例 : Mt. Cook......)
不論當天有沒有行程/ 不用趕路, 總之你最遲起床最遲吃完早餐, 便是罪人.
但你問明天去哪裡 ? 為何不可睡晚一點?
對不起, 請記著"不要問, 只要跟"
著實比共產黨還專制, 難聽一點的說, 在中國網絡上被河蟹都會知原因,
但你們還落後一點, 返回慈禧太后那時期.
上車後只有睡覺, 到了所謂的景點, 下車拍個照, 再上車, 因為只靠手機的GPS, 方向會有差,
所以要多花時間繞路+加油......直至晚上八九十時, 才開始找caravan park過夜. 明知道九時正各大住宿的接待處都準時關門, 仍每天如是. "不開車不去景點沒事做啊~~" 是他們的標準答案.
所以就算十一時也好, 仍然在深山裡找合法的停車處. 愈夜愈好, 有藉口不用停caravan park, 省了每人港幣百多元的旅費~ free camp site更是他們的最愛! (有次很"聰明"地停在Wanaka市區的停車場, 結果收罰單, 盛惠每台車 NZ$ 200) .
總之, 到睡前一刻, 他們才覺得用盡了時間.
香港+韓國, 跟台灣人有這麼大的差異嗎 ?
只知道下次 [黃皮樹了哥, 唔熟唔食].
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